After years of working entirely on the Macs, I decided to get back into ruining perfectly good sheets of expensive paper by getting paint all over them. Being a great believer that if something doesn't work, it must be because I'm using the wrong brand of paint/paper/brush... I now have more art supplies than most stores. It hasn't helped.
As you may notice, there's no real theme or consistency of style - I try to paint things that either interest me because of their stories, or that are technically challenging but I might still have a chance of pulling off. I'm usually wrong.
I'm greatly indebted to Helen Edwards, judge of the 2007 Chelsea Art show, who kindly awarded me the prize for Best Watercolour. After the presentation, she asked me if I was happy with the work. I confessed to her that, no, it still wasn't what I'd be aiming for. "Good. If you'd said you were happy with it, it means you've stopped learning.."
My father Hugh was a professional artist, I recommend you have a look at his works here.
My Mother Isabel also took up painting in later life. I will add more of her works as I photograph them. There is a small sample here.
You can see a selection of my works here.ere.