I've done many ads over the years. Some, I've designed and produced the imagery. Many have creative supplied by agencies, often overseas, that needs to be localised and rescaled to suit local media. Others have to adhere to corporate guidelines with changing content. Not every ad is a potential folio-piece, but they all need to communicate to the target market.

What I hope this page shows is that I've worked on a lot of quite different accounts. I'm used to producing material to suit a wide variety of specifications and often delivering via QuickCut / Adsend.



Client: Display & Marketing

To corporate guidelines.

Client: Millott Consulting Client: Millott Consulting  Client: Millott Consulting

Client: Display & Marketing


Client: Display & Marketing

To corporate guidelines.

Client: Display & Marketing

To corporate guidelines.

 Client: Millott Consulting

Client: Quantum Advertising

To corporate guidelines.

 Client: Valentine PR  Client: Valentine PR  Client: Valentine PR

 Client: Combe Australia

 Client: Valentine PR  Client: Inexa Racing Bikes  Client: Trainstation
 Client: Millott Consulting  Client: Earlybirds  Client: Sacre Coeur  Client: Mentone Girls Grammar
  • Illustration
  • Design
  • Photography
  • Print Production
  • Brochures
  • Leaflets
  • Posters
  • Business Cards
  • Websites
  • Logos
  • Photo Retouching
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Annual Reports
  • Book Covers
  • Fine Art
  • Direct Mail