Latest Works

Where to start...
I've been working in graphics for over 30 years, most of that running my own small studio. I've had people working for me, I've worked for other people, I've done a lot of freelancing in agencies. For a while I was a Studio Manager in a small advertising agency. I've been a small offset printer, done some typesetting, proof-reading, illustration and an awful lot of finished art.
When I trained, we did everything as slap-and-stick, with drawing boards and darkrooms. Now I have a bunch of Macs, Scanners and Digital Photography gear and do some 3D modelling. I still have a drawing board.
I've done advertisements, annual reports, packaging, direct-mail, displays, business cards, billboards, book covers, retouching, brochures, websites, posters, corporate identity, copy writing, stubby holders and the odd tattoo. If a need arises for Interactive Organic Holographic Vegetables, I'll probably have a go at that, too.
If I had a mission statement, it would be something as corny as "Satisfying my Client's Needs" (Within reason. I'm not that good-looking, and can't play the tuba worth a damn.) In reality, that means trying to do what you need, when you need it, within your budget. I also means that if I'm supplying something you're going to give to a printer, then it had better be something they can use, not something they have to spend time fixing.
I still draw.